That second article talks about basic interview screening questions that most("19/20") job candidates couldn't answer. The specific question was "Write a C function to reverse a singly-linked list". This seems unusual to me, since I've encountered harder questions during my co-op interviews.
It seems weird that some companies seem to be grilling co-op students harder than full time developers. Of course there are companies (like Google) who definitely put the full-timers through a lot to get a job. I've heard stories that it takes something like 6+ technical interviews to get a full time job at Google. This is certainly more than the hour and a half they spent with me when I interviewed with them this term.
I keep track of all the technical questions I've been asked in interviews. These questions have been collected over the course of two terms worth of interviews. Could you answer some of these? If so, then apparently you can have a comfy job as a developer.
1) What is a static function?
2) Can you have a static constructor?
3) Why would you use a static constructor?
4) What is a virtual function?
5) What's the difference between a thread and a process?
6) Fill an array of size 100 with the first 100 terms of the Fibonacci's Sequence.
7) What is the difference between a stack and a queue?
8) What is the difference between an exe and a dll?
9) What is object oriented programming?
10) Explain encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism.
11) What is abstraction?
12) What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?
13) What is the difference between pass by value and pass by reference?
14) What is a pointer?
15) Does Java/C# have pointers?
16) What is the difference between a pointer and a reference?
17) Implement modulus.
18) How would you overflow a stack? Heap?
19) Count the number of set bits in an n long array with 16 bit numbers? Can you improve the constant factor?
20) Worst case for a hash table?
21) Implement multiplication.
23) Write Fizz Buzz.
24) What does final mean in Java? Static?
25) How would you unit test <this>?
26) Basic question involving Distance = time * velocity.
27) Design a program to find the largest word in a paragraph
28) Design a program to extract unique values in a sorted list
29) What is normalization?
30) Get the second largest salary in a DB using SQL.
31) What's the difference between GET and POST?
32) Whats the probability of flipping 3 coins and getting heads all 3 times.
33) What is synchronization in the context of concurrency?
34) What is dependency injection? How would you implement it? How would you use it?
35) Name some differences between Java and C#.
36) How to bindings work for polymorphism?
37) How do you read a file in Java? (Stupid memorization question is stupid)
38) Given 7 "letter tiles" and a dictionary of valid words, return the set of words that can be generated using those tiles.
39) Given a file with expansion data like this:
“foo” expands to “foo” “bar” “biz”;
“buzz” expands to "blarge" “*foo”
where *foo means expand foo, so expand(buzz) = "blarge foo bar biz"
Write a function that expands strings based on such a file.
40) Write code that will always deadlock.
41) What is a buffer overflow? How is it exploitable?
42) What is DEP? What is ASLR? How do they help prevent buffer overflows?
43) What is BotNet? What is some of the malicious things it can do?
44) What is XSS?
45) What is a SQL injection?
46) What would you do if you found a security exploit?
47) When (if ever) is it okay to release the security exploit to the public?
48) What is an exploit? What is a vulnerability?
49) If you could enforce one programming rule to improve security, what would it be?
50) What is the difference between verification and validation?
51) What makes a good requirement? “The DB needs to be fast”. Is that a good requirement?
52) What goes into a good bug report?
53) Tracing DFAs.
54) What would you consider when designing a DB?
55) Find the memory leak in the some code.
56) What is MVC?
57) What are the 4 pillers of OOP?
58) Implement inheritance in a database.
59) Use joins (then don’t use joins) to get the data from above tables.
60) What do you do when you can’t beat a deadline? (impossible deadline)
61) String builder vs String in Java. When to use which?
62) What are JS prototypes?
63) What is AJAX?
64) What is JSON?
Hopefully this is helpful to people doing interviews next semester.
How do you read a file in Java? (Stupid memorization question is stupid)
ReplyDeleteHow to do x in Java is a stupid memorization question because it's probably looks like
try {
someObject.getSomething.getAnotherthing(someFactory.getMoreThings (yourParameter))
} catch (SomeException e) {
moreThings.disjointedBy.fullStops (youre.screwed)
Also, I can't believe someone made a gem for FizzBuzz. What use can it possibly have?
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